Saturday, January 24, 2009

Loss of a Mother

"There Stood by the Cross
of Jesus His Mother"
-- John 19:25-27

We extend our condolences and prayers to Brother Phil Johnson of the Master's College and Seminary in the loss of his mother.

At the hour of His death, the Lord Jesus Christ thought of His earthly mother.

And nearest to Him at this time of His crucifixion was His mother.

One of the greatest experiences of life is the love shared by a mother and her children. Jesus knew that love with His mother, Mary, and it was one of the main features mentioned by the Scriptures in His hour of suffering. She did not forsake Him, and He did not forget her.

Of all the relationships of this life, I count the relationship with my mother as the grandest, most comforting, and most encouraging of them all.

I'm sure Brother Johnson had the same love and high regard for his mother, and we sympathize with him in the loss of his dearly beloved Mom.


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