Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Flyswatter's significance


I do not know if, or when, Charles will return to the Calvinist Flyswatter, but the significance of this blog for almost three years now has probably far exceeded what he expected when he launched it. Wherever you are, Charles, on earth or in Heaven, you did a wise thing in launching the Flyswatter to swat the Reformed flies.

I have received emails and comments from many in the Southern Baptist Convention, including several well-known Pastors and Seminary professors. In fact, some of these have even asked for more information which might be useful in exposing the Hybrid Calvinist issue of "regeneration before faith."

A very prestigious former SBC pastor and now head of a school recently emailed me to say, "BOB, THANKS FOR INTRODUCING ME TO 'FLYSWATTTER.' I ENTERED IT IN MY FAVORITE LIST."

A current and popular professor at a leading SBC Seminary wrote an email a few weeks ago, and among other comments said, "I appreciate you and your work."

Another ranking leader and pastor in the SBC wrote:
"I have just been introduced to 'The Calvinist Flyswatter' and I want you to know how informative and refreshing it is. I thank the Lord for you . . . The 'Flounders' as you call them have gained credibility to a great extent simply because people have, by and large, yielded the floor to them. I thank you for providing an informed and intellectual response to them. . . . I also think you are right on target with what you said in a blog about the SBC and the PedoBaptists."

While the Flyswatter has been belittled, scorned, mocked, and generally flagellated by several of the Reformed Hybrid Calvinists, it has not been without appreciation by those who see the error of the "born again before faith" heresy.

As we begin another year of the blog, I just want to say "Thanks" to our readers, and ask you to continue to keep in touch.

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