Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Alan Kurschner Says I'm Bound For Hell

The Calvinist Gadfly's Alan Kurschner says I'm going to hell.

On March 31, 2006, the blog, Triablogue, posted a whiny rant about me entitled, Unnecessary Commentary. In the rant's comments section, none other than The Calvinist Gadfly himself, Alan Kurschner, appeared. As a "gadfly," Alan is quite the provocateur, but apparently he can dish it out better than he can take it. For example, rather than answering critics who post on his blog, he merely deletes the posts.

I have written about Alan and his blog before, as have others. On the Triablogue, Alan spewed up a few comments about me.

For example, 'Charles' writes, 'Alan apparently believes at least some dead babies will go to hell and burn forever.'

I don't believe this at all. The Bible does not teach this. But because Charles is a slanderer, we do know that slanderers go to hell (1Cor 6:10).

For the record, I have accepted Jesus Christ, the eternal son of God, as my Lord and Savior. I have often thought that Brother Alan sometimes backslides and thinks of himself as near deity but unless Alan plans to replace Jesus Christ as the Sovereign God of the universe, there is no way I am going to hell. I say that not because of any good or merit in me but because of what my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ promised, "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life...(John 3:36). Unless Brother Alan has the power to nullify that promise, then I am safe and secure in Jesus Christ.

As for Alan's doctrinal position, I am thankful for his attempt to clarify his views, however inadequate the clarification. Just so there is no misunderstanding, I invite my readers to go to my original article which contains a link to what Alan published.

Brother Alan, you still have not made yourself clear. You said that you do not believe that "at least some dead babies will go to hell and burn forever." Does this mean that you believe that each and every baby that dies goes to heaven? If not, do you believe that the dead babies who go to hell burn forever, or just burn for a period of time? What happens to them then?



At Wednesday, April 05, 2006 7:27:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Chuck

You may need one of these -- -- to deal with this'un.



At Wednesday, April 05, 2006 8:47:00 AM, Blogger David B. Hewitt said...

Mr. Charles:

I think Alan is just observing your ranting behavior, and cannot comprehend why a follower and blood bought child of God would post the slander that you do.

I also have noted increasingly that you choose not to interact with the Bible texts much. I for one would love to see it; the only thing that can really settle anything is the sound exegesis of Scripture by men filled with the Holy Spirit of God.

Shall we then pursue that end? Surely you're not afraid of what you'll find, are you? (grin)

David Hewitt

At Wednesday, April 05, 2006 9:10:00 AM, Blogger Charles said...

Hello, David Hewitt!

why a follower and blood bought child of God would post the slander that you do.

No slander here, David, but I was wondering the same thing about Alan's blog. On this blog, if anything is said about anyone's viewpoint that is factually incorrect then all one needs to do is comment. On Alan's blog, comments are deleted as Simon demonstrated.

I also have noted increasingly that you choose not to interact with the Bible texts much.

Alan is invited to come and "interact" all he wants. There has been quite a bit of "interaction" with people who read this blog.


At Wednesday, April 05, 2006 11:14:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good call David Hewitt and when you state what you have to share with Charles you don't receive in return a response that fits your comments or question. The endless rant with out substance!

At Wednesday, April 05, 2006 12:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know Charles, if you are a Christian or not. To be honest, you act somewhat like a mental patient who refuses to take their thorazine. I'm serious Charles. I've seen schizophrenics that act very much like you do. Please seek help before you do anymore damage.


At Wednesday, April 05, 2006 10:43:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading brother White's latest blog concerning Bob Ross, I am wondering if perhaps Ross might need mental treatment as well. Or perhaps salvation.

Free Grace

At Wednesday, April 05, 2006 11:20:00 PM, Blogger David B. Hewitt said...

Hey, Charles.

I'm not talking about interacting with Alan. I'm talking about you and I interacting with the Bible.

You are over here mentioning that you are opposed to Calvinism, and are claiming that it is a theological error. Well, ok, you can say that, but are you willing to back it up with exegetical support? I'm more than willing to talk about passages such as John 6:35ff, Romans 8:28-9:23, John 10:11-30, Romans 3:8-20, Ephesians 1:3-6, and yes, Romans 5:15-19, 2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, and others. Context is the king of interpretation, as I'm sure you are aware, and using that in conjunction with language studies and other Scripture, we can arrive at the correct meaning of the text.

So how about it? Let's open up the Word of God for the Glory of God, for if we are not seeking the glory of God, then we are making fools of ourselves. Everything must be done for God's glory!

David Hewitt

At Thursday, April 06, 2006 10:18:00 AM, Blogger Charles said...

Hello, David Hewitt!

How are you today, my brother! Thank you for your comments and suggestions. I will take them to heart.

Two more articles are yet to come in the series on Matthew 23:37. Writing and blogging takes time and as you probably know, they are not the same thing.

Pray for me. I very much want everything to be done for God's glory. As I know you do.


At Thursday, April 06, 2006 9:06:00 PM, Blogger David B. Hewitt said...

Charles said:
Two more articles are yet to come in the series on Matthew 23:37. Writing and blogging takes time and as you probably know, they are not the same thing.

Pray for me. I very much want everything to be done for God's glory. As I know you do.

Indeed, writing and blogging are different things. :) Putting things like hyperlinks and other html code can be time consuming. I look forward to your other posts on Matthew 22:37, but I do make one request that I hope you heed -- please avoid anythink that could be construed as a personal attack in them. I strongly suspect it will lend credibility to what you say, or at least to your intent.

And yes, I shall pray for you, and already have (lest I forget!).

In Christ,
David Hewitt

At Sunday, April 23, 2006 9:41:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Free Grace said...
After reading brother White's latest blog concerning Bob Ross, I am wondering if perhaps Ross might need mental treatment as well. Or perhaps salvation.

Free Grace


This reminds me of a story one of my relatives named "John" told me. He went to a mental institution to visit "Judd," a man with whom he had gone to college.

John asked, "Why are all these people in here, Judd?"

Judd: "Why they are all crazy as a bedbug!"

John: "What about the people who work here, Judd?"

Judd: "They are also crazy as a bedbug!"

John: "Why are you in here, Judd?"

Judd: "I don't know. I am only one in here who is not crazy!"

John:"What about me, Judd?"

Judd: "Why, you are the craziest one in the whole d______ place!"

Free Grace, your name would not be "Judd," would it? -- Bob Ross


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