Thursday, November 27, 2008

Whine, whine, whine


I have noticed that the "Reformed" or self-professed "Calvinist" camp has once again had a break-out of whinningitis.

It just seems that one can't say anything contrary about the "Calvinist" brethren without offending their delicate sensibilities. They remind me a lot of Alexander Campbell who always seemed to be "misrepresented" by the Baptists who critiqued him. The Baptists just couldn't seem to "get it right" when they wrote or spoke about Campbell and his teachings, and he was always complaining of "misrepresentation."

So today, one can't say or write anything about James White, Tom Ascol, the Flounders, or some other "Reformed" sources and not have it categorized as "misrepresentation." Somewhere they seem to be able to find something which was wrong with what was said.

And so, they break-out with a bad case of whinningitis ever so often, especially if they are critiqued by someone who does not agree with their Pedobaptist "Reformed" version of "Calvinism." If one looks at the comments on some of the blogs, the number of posts seems to indicate that whining is a mutual affliction on the part of the supporting whinnies.

It is getting so bad that they seem to be developing a persecution complex. They are being "persecuted" for their "defense of the faith."

They are now frequently resorting to disparaging appellatives such as "anti-Calvinists" to brand anyone who critiques their Pedobaptist Reformed Hybrid Calvinism. The #1 Whinner-in-Chief seems to be James White with Tom Ascol running a close second. If anyone has ever differed with either one of these fellows and not misrepresented him, I have yet to see his name. They churn such whine that it must generate a lot of empathy from their "Calvinist" brotherhood.

The inimitable "churchman, evangelist, preacher, theologian, apologist," James the Great Exegeeter, complains: "I must admit, I am sick and tired of those who seem utterly intent upon promoting a narrow agenda, one-string banjo players who seem to have little else to do in life but to pluck their very limited number of notes."

Tom, the Bridge to Nowhere designer and the promoter of mailing Pedobaptist DVDs to educate Florida pastors in PedoCalvinism, bemoans the "mischaracterizations, inaccuracies and false accusations that permeate" those who disagree with Pedobaptist "Reformed" version of Calvinism.

They remind me a lot of the attitude of the fellow who was in a mental institution. When he was asked why he and the other inmates were in the place, he said, "They are all crazy. I'm the only one in here in his right mind."

Note: In Charles' absence, comments may be sent to my email address for posting:


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