Thursday, May 22, 2008

Unscriptural Evangelism - Southern Seminary, the Flounders, and Timmy Brister

Brother Bob Ross' discovery that Southern Baptist Theological Seminary graduate Timmy Brister was teaching evangelism this summer invites some inquiry into exactly what "evangelism" means to Brister, his alma mater, his new mentor and boss Tom Ascol and Tom's organization, Founders Ministry (yes, they really believe what they are doing is a ministry).

Our inquiry will begin with a book recommended by Timmy entitled Tell the Truth by Will Metzger (InterVarsity 3rd edition, 2002). The book is billed on its front cover as a "Training Manual on the Message & Methods of God-Centered Witnessing."

Tell the Truth comes with some heavy endorsements. The back cover lists Timothy Beougher as the "Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism" at Southern Seminary. Beougher says the book "has long been a personal favorite of mine and required reading in my evangelism classes." Ernie Reisinger, the Founder of the Flounders but billed on the back cover as merely a "Southern Baptist pastor, evangelist and author," said "this new edition has made a good book even better. You must have it!" J.I. Packer, John MacArthur, Jr., and John Piper also ring in with endorsements. Finally, Edmund P. Clowney, former President of the Westminister Theological Seminary, and David G. Sinclair, Jr., pastor of the Lexington (S.C.) Presbyterian Church (PCA) lend their praise to the book.

The problem with Tell the Truth is the same problem that plagues the entire neo /hyper /hybrid /extreme movement. It is build upon the false theology of "born again before faith" which the vast majority of Southern Baptist churches do not believe or teach.

On page 137, the author lists the steps of why we need grace and how God saves us. Steps 7 and 8 teach that,
7) The Holy Spirit, following God's plan, regenerates those given to the Son, granting Christ's benefits to them.

8) Having spiritual new birth, they wholeheartedly respond in repentance and faith.

Of course, this is complete and utter heresy, unsupported by the Scriptures, historic Baptist confessions, and the vast majority of Southern Baptist churches whose tithe money goes to Southern Seminary to pay the salaries of professors like Timothy Beougher and the tuition of students like Timmy Brister. Even John Calvin himself rejected this false view of salvation, as did Charles H. Spurgeon.

In addition to teaching the heresy of "regeneration before faith" the author balks at expecting any results from our evangelistic efforts. He says on page 28, "Any definition of our task that includes results is confusing our responsibility with God's prerogative, which is regeneration." To imply that results do not matter is unscriptural and dangerous. God cares about numbers. As Spurgeon said, "It has been noticed that those who object to the process [of providing church statistics] are often brethren whose unsatisfactory reports should somewhat humiliate them."

Brother Bob Ross has written about why Calvinist churches are generally so small so I will not rehash it. But one would think that the author of a book on evangelism would at least check the references of his endorsers. For more information on the fruits of this theology I invite readers to see how two of its biggest boosters are doing with their churches.

As for Brother Timmy Brister? I'm praying for him.


At Thursday, May 22, 2008 9:43:00 PM, Blogger Bob L. Ross said...


Charles says:

Tell the Truth comes with some heavy endorsements. The back cover lists Timothy Beougher as the "Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism" at Southern Seminary. Beougher says the book "has long been a personal favorite of mine and required reading in my evangelism classes."

This book, Charles, is more evidence of the Seminary's drift toward Hybrid Calvinism's "born again before believing in Christ."

If Timmy Brister is the "face of Calvinism," his face has features which reflect the Seminary as his theological
"father." And those features are those of Pedobaptist Hybrid Calvinism, and this book is just further evidence of what is going on in the classroom.

At Thursday, May 22, 2008 10:28:00 PM, Blogger Bob L. Ross said...


Bob to Charles:

I found a testimony by Will Metzger about his salvation:

"I cried out 'God be merciful to me, a sinner.' As I kept praying with that attitude and prompted by His Spirit, God answered. I don't know the day that it happened. I do know that the power of the immunization of cultural Christianity was broken. I was now infected with the love of God in Christ. It was just before my senior year in high school."

Here's the link:


You will notice that this is the Banner of Truth web site.

We have noted that Ernest Reisinger, Founder of the Flounders, prayed the "Sinner's Prayer," now the Banner of Truth has published Metzger's testimony that he prayed the "Sinner's Prayer."

Also, we noted on this blog (9/26/07) that Dr. Brad Waggoner prayed the "Sinner's Prayer" when he was saved.

It seems, Charles, that the alleged "Arminian" way is effective, despite the disparagement of the Hybrid Calvinists who discount it.

If Timmy Brister uses Metzger's book in his "evangelism" series at Ascol's church, do you suppose he will mention the fact that Metzger prayed the "Sinner's Prayer" in relation to his being saved?

At Friday, May 23, 2008 11:09:00 AM, Blogger Charles said...

Brother Bob, Hello!

If it were not for those "heretical" Arminians, how would the Hybrid /Hyper /Extreme Calvinists ever get saved? God sure seems to use the Arminians as His mouthpiece doesn't He?


At Friday, May 23, 2008 2:04:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Of course, this is complete and utter heresy, unsupported by the Scriptures"

Why wouldn’t you consider Jesus’ words to Nicodemus (Jn. 3) as Scriptural support? He said unless you are born “anothen” (from above), you can’t even (noetically) “see” the Kingdom. There appears to be full support from Scripture that regeneration precedes faith. Why would you ignore it?

This is like saying there is no Scriptural support for the crucifiction and resurrection.

So, why ignore it?

At Saturday, May 24, 2008 10:36:00 AM, Blogger Bob L. Ross said...


Hank said...

Why wouldn’t you consider Jesus’ words to Nicodemus (Jn. 3) as Scriptural support? . . .

For the reason that Jesus explained the "how" or "means" of the new birth in John 32:14-18, and that passage says naught about a new birth before, apart, without, and to the exclusion of believing on Christ.

Not a single soul in Scripture or outside of Scripture has ever been born again apart from faith being created in that person by the Word and Spirit of God.

At Thursday, May 29, 2008 10:06:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baptist Faith and Message
Article 4.a.

A. Regeneration, or the new birth, is a work of God's grace whereby believers become new creatures in Christ Jesus. It is a change of heart wrought by the Holy Spirit through conviction of sin, to which the sinner responds in repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ Repentance and faith are inseparable experiences of grace.

The BF&M was originally drafted using the New Hampshire confession as a guide. Which in fact was the confession drawn up to unify baptists in early America.

1689 Baptist London Confession
Chapter 14 Article 1
1. The grace of faith, whereby the elect are enabledto believe to the saving of their souls, is the work of the Spirit of Christ in their hearts.....

That enabling of their souls to saving faith by the spirit is in fact regeneration.

I am a Baptist who simply believes what Baptists have believed for hundreds of years. I am not trying to argue with you but please read this with humbleness in your heart. If we don't acknowledge that regeneration proceeds repentance and faith we don't have a clear understanding of God and His Gospel. Please, I am calling you to accountability to not only look at the scriptures and historic Baptist Confessions but to also stop bashing everyone.

I hope I wasn't offensive

At Thursday, May 29, 2008 6:57:00 PM, Blogger Bob L. Ross said...


Carlton said...

I am a Baptist who simply believes what Baptists have believed for hundreds of years.

For over two years on this blog, we have posted scores of articles which reveal what we understand that Baptists beleived for hundreds of years. We have discussed every Confession and many notable theologians and preachers.

We have not yet found one Baptist who believed that a person is born again before, without, and apart from Holy Spirit/Word-created faith in Jesus Christ.

We have found some distinguished "Reformed" Pedobaptists who believe that, but no Baptist. We have found Pedos who believe their children get "regenerated" in infancy, and possibly even before they are born. But no Baptist has been found to believe those things.

If you have found one, you have discovered a Baptist who believed in the long-looked-for oxymoronic REGENERATED UNBELIEVER.

At Thursday, May 29, 2008 11:55:00 PM, Blogger Bob L. Ross said...


Carlton said...

If we don't acknowledge that regeneration proceeds repentance and faith we don't have a clear understanding of God and His Gospel.

What sort of Gospel, Carlton, did you believe when you were saved? Did you first believe that you were already regenerated (born again) before you repented and believed?

I'm making an "educated guess" that you never believed that "born again before faith" heresy until you read it or heard it from a Hybrid Calvinist.

Just tell me how you got saved, and what you believed when you were saved. Did you believe Hybrid Calvinism in order to be saved?

Do you tell sinners that they must believe that regeneration precedes faith or they don't understand the Gospel? Do you think that a sinner can't believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved unless he first believes he is already regenerated before he believes on Christ for salvation?

I would really just like to know. Is that what you really tell sinners?

At Friday, May 30, 2008 10:52:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Bob said,
"What sort of Gospel, Carlton, did you believe when you were saved? Did you first believe that you were already regenerated (born again) before you repented and believed?"

What does regeneration have to do with "the good news?"

No where in the scripture does it command us to believe we are regenerate. It commands us to believe on the Lord Jesus as our substitute.

I tell sinners to repent of themselves and in turning to God believe on the Lord Jesus.

Now, do you have a problem with that? Let me ask YOU a question? How many Baptist Calvinists do you know that practice Padeobaptism? How many do you know that believe in baptismal regeneration?

Probably none.

At Saturday, May 31, 2008 9:59:00 PM, Blogger Bob L. Ross said...


Carlton said:

Let me ask YOU a question? How many Baptist Calvinists do you know that practice Padeobaptism? How many do you know that believe in baptismal regeneration?

Probably none.

Carlton, if you think I have ever said that a "Baptist Calvinist" either practiced Pedobaptism (baby baptizing) or believed in "baptismal regeneration," you must have misunderstood what you read.

Please quote me the "where" and "when" you read anything I wrote to that effect.

What I have said is that the THEORY on the New Birth of many of today's professing "Calvinists" is the view held by the Pedobaptists who adopted the idea that "regeneration precedes faith" as a theological basis for Pedobaptists teaching that their so-called "covenant children" get "regenerated" either before they are born or shortly thereafter. To be "consistent," they taught the same "regeneration before faith" idea as to adults.

Now . . . is that clear?


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