Alan Kurschner has egg on his face
Alan Kurschner has egg on his face.
Around the middle of February, 2006, the blogging Flounders and hyper/hybrid/Reformed Calvinists rejoiced when "Dr." James White challenged Ergun Caner, dean of Liberty Baptist Seminary, to a debate. This was a chance for their hero James to hit it big time.
By February 22, 2006, Caner had not yet agreed to debate White. Alan Kurschner, all around cool guy and James White wannabe, decided to jump into the fray. Alan commented,
I would like to coin a new term to this phenomenon, Whitephobia. This is not a fear of the color of white, nor the fear of the white man. This is the fear of debating James White on a particular subject.Alan is so funny! What could be more funny, more witty, than that! Other hybrid/hyper Calvinists such as Gene M. Bridges, David Hewitt, and Mike Ratliff chimed in with love and “attaboys” for Alan.
Tragically for Alan, shortly after his love fest, Caner finalized the date with White and the debate was on. Alan Kurschner, all around cool guy and self-professed Calvinist Gadfly, ended up with egg on his face.
Looking back on Alan’s post, I can't explain why he thought that a converted Muslim who debates Muslims could possibly have Whitephobia. Was Alan’s brain in neutral that day? That wouldn't be unusual, but I believe it shows how desperate Alan is for James’ love and approval. Alan will write anything to make James look good no matter how asinine.
Alan’s egg face was not a total loss. Something good came out of it. Shortly after Alan coined Whitephobia on the Calvinist Gadfly, I visited his blog and suggested a new term, Rossphobia, or the fear of Bob Ross. As I have written before, James has run from Bob like a scalded dog and still refuses to debate him on the issue of regeneration and creedal Calvinism!
I posted my new word, Rossphobia on The Calvinist Gadfly. Knowing that Alan was such a wild-and-crazy gadfly, I expected him to have a good laugh.
Instead he deleted my posts and banned me from posting on his blog!
I know what you’re thinking: How could Alan Kurschner, all around cool gadfly, not have a good laugh over my posts?
The answer is found in one word: Rossphobia.
Alan Kurschner: Color him egg faced.
I wonder, Charles, if Alan got "regenerated before faith" under Arminian preaching, like James White and Scott Morgan . . . and just about all the other Baptist Hybrid Calvinists . . . or was he one of the more prominent elected ones that received "regeneration" as an infant in one of the pedo-regenerationist churches? -- Bob L. Ross
"but I believe it shows how desperate Alan is for James’ love and approval. Alan will write anything to make James look good no matter how asinine."
Is that the same as..
"but I believe it shows how desperate Charles is for Bob's love and approval. Charles will write anything to make Bob look good no matter how asinine."
Alan may have egg on his face but I think I just heard a pot calling a kettle black.
I don't know how certain rumours get started, Charles, but if someone sends you a comment to the effect that Jerry Falwell has invited me to come to Lynchburg, please do not post it. Contact me first. I cannot at this time comment any further on this matter, but just keep it in mind that it is at best a mere rumour, and nothing else. -- Bob Ross
Brother Bob Ross wrote, if someone sends you a comment to the effect that Jerry Falwell has invited me to come to Lynchburg,
Bob, if you are invited there may not be a debate. James will stay at home.
Did his elders ever contact your church?
you guys are seriously clueless
anonymous, hello!
Thank you for that insightful and fact filled comment.
Charles said...
Did his elders ever contact your church?
Bob to Charles:
I know that you will recall that James wanted to make a complaint against me to the Elders of my church, and our church responded by inviting James and his church's Elders to come and present the charges.
We have no response to this invitation, not even the courtesy of a "No, Thank You" reply.
It is evidently the case that the Reformed Baptist Church does not support James White in his accusations against me, and therefore they are not responding. It seems obvious that this was a "sola flight" by James, and he never consulted the RFC or the Elders before blurting it out so rashly.
At any rate, it seems that James' complaint is as dead as a lost sinner before the Holy Spirit uses the Word of God to create faith in the sinner and give him a new birth.
Now I wish to call attention to this matter as a demonstration of how James White really is very much a bag of "hot air," and there is little substance to what he has to say.
Please note the following UNANSWERED email sent to the Elders of the Reformed Baptist Church of Phoenix. It is obvious that James White has brought disgrace upon this church by his actions, and the church now finds itself in a "Catch 22" situation. Until this is resolved, we will keep reminding them of the irresponsibility of their silence and inaction.
April 8, 2006
Dear Brethren:
We have received no reply to the following. Please inform us if you will be responding. -- Bob L. Ross
Subj: PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT [04/05--2006]
Date: 4/5/2006 5:35:18 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Pilgrimpub
Posted on The Calvinist Flyswatter, April 5, 2006.
Sent to the Elders of Reformed Baptist Church, Phoenix, Arizona:
The Elders of the Reformed Baptist Church of Phoenix, Arizona are hereby formally invited to come to Pasadena, Texas for the presentation of charges against Bob L. Ross by James White before Park Temple Baptist Church.
Proceeding according to Scripture, Matthew 18:15-18, Brother White is first invited to confer with Brother Ross privately.
If they cannot settle the complaint, then Brother White is invited to take one or two more to discuss the complaint with Brother Ross, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
If that does not settle the matter to Brother White's satisfaction, then he is invited to present the matter before the church here in Pasadena where Brother Ross is a member and subject to discipline.
Our church hopes that the third step does not become necessary, but if it does, we hope a cordial settlement is reached.
I am acting for the church where I am a member, Park Temple, and hope this matter may be resolved to every one's satisfaction. --
Bob L. Ross
Charles, I can think of only one reason why the Reformed Baptist Church has not acknowledge our invitation, and that is, James White was acting autonomously, without the Church's approvaland participation, and therefore the Church is in the dilemma in which James' actions have put it.
What do you think? -- Bob L. Ross
Bob, Hello!
You said, I wonder, Charles, if Alan got "regenerated before faith" under Arminian preaching
From Alan Kurschner's own words:
I grew up as a fundamental Baptist (fundamental in the negative sense of the term). So my background did not encourage
critical thinking and being a "Berean" in any sense of the term. Soon after I became a
Christian, I was introduced to the doctrines of grace.
Sounds typical, doesn't it Bob? They get saved under an Arminian and then TRASH HIM THE REST OF THEIR LIVES.
Bob, Hello!
You wrote, Charles, I can think of only one reason why the Reformed Baptist Church has not acknowledge our invitation, and that is, James White was acting autonomously, without the Church's approval and participation, and therefore the Church is in the dilemma in which James' actions have put it.
Maybe they found him sipping that White Lightnin' and performed an intervention!
Charles said...
From Alan Kurschner's own words:
I grew up as a fundamental Baptist (fundamental in the negative sense of the term). So my background did not encourage
critical thinking and being a "Berean" in any sense of the term. Soon after I became a
Christian, I was introduced to the doctrines of grace.
Sounds typical, doesn't it Bob? They get saved under an Arminian and then TRASH HIM THE REST OF THEIR LIVES.
Bob to Charles:
You see, Charles, Spurgeon never did this. In fact, a few years later he even went back to the Arminian church where he was saved and preached for them.
There is a verse which refers to "having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof." There are those who profess to believe in Sovereignty, but if in the Sovereignty of God He used an Arminian to preach the Gospel and thereby bring them to salvation, they later will cast reproach upon that event. The have a "form" (theology) on Sovereignty, but they show contempt for it in their very own life.
Charles said...
Maybe they found him [James White] sipping that White Lightnin' and performed an intervention!
Or, the rest of the little church is so drunk on "White Lightnin'" they don't have the use of their own minds about anything! James probably has them under his "spell" and they slavishly follow him withersoever he goeth.
-- Bob L. Ross
I believe that you are premature in your egging of the gadfly.
I think there is very little chance that the debate with the Caner's is actually going to take place.
But we'll see
I stumbled across this site and out of curiousity read a few of your posts, and I have just one question for you - who are you?! What qualifies you to critique others, esp. when you use the same kind of language used by those you stand in judgement against? You haven't provided any personal or identifiable information, yet you expect the rest of us to take what you write seriously and applaud you? You identify yourself as a "hyper-calvinist exposer" yet you seem unwilling to allow your readers to hold you acountable for what you teach and preach here at your blog. All we have to go by are your opinions posted here and at a few other blogs, which I must say, seem very close in format to Alan's way of arguing.
I've tried to follow your posts, but frankly, you seem to be all over the place. You seem to only be interested in vain conflicts, which is apparently what you accuse Alan of. It almost sounds like a child's game of "no I'm not, you are." Where is the Biblical instruction? I'm not interested in anyone's personal opinions (or witty remarks).
If you're not going to produce anything of substance for us to ponder or at least give us some reason why we should trust you or agree with what you have to say, then please spare us the diatribes. I see no difference between you and Alan, and please don't come back and say that there's a world of difference between the two of you. You've already demonstrated by your own words that there isn't.
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