Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Flounders/Spurgeon contrast


By viewing the Flounders' website on which C. H. Spurgeon's picture is used as "wallpaper," one might get the impression that the Flounders were somehow representative of Spurgeon's views and practices. That's what the Flounders would have you believe.

However, those who have bothered to inform themselves about both Spurgeon and the Flounders realize that there is about as much similiarity between Spurgeon and the Flounders as there is between Porterhouse Steak and Hamburger Helper.

For example, Spurgeon led his church and college to establish several outreach soul-winning ministries -- the Metropolitan Tabernacle Colportage Association (consisting of personal workers), the Tabernacle Evangelists' Association, the Pastors' College Evangelical Association, the Pastors' College Missionary Association, Tract Societies, and other such works, with 22 Mission Stations, 27 Sunday Schools, and several new Churches established all around London and the Metropolitan area (C. H. Spurgeon's Autobiography, Volume 3, Chapter 70; Volume 4, page 336).

A report in Spurgeon's Autobiography says that by the end of the period of 1873-1878, there were "94 colporteurs" and "926,290 visits" had been made by these bearers of Gospel literature and personal Gospel witness.

In contrast to Spurgeon's primary concern of spreading the Gospel to bring sinners to Christ, the Flounders' stated purpose is to "reform" existing SBC churches in regard to "the doctrines of grace," as interpreted by the "Reformed" theologians. While Spurgeon's primary work was to win souls to Christ by all means, the Flounders' primary purpose is to make proselytes to Hybrid Calvinism.

This accounts for the fact that Spurgeon and his workers had several thousand professions of faith in Christ, whereas the Flounders have only managed to make some proselytes to their version of "Calvinism" and split a few churches over doctrinal issues.

The Flounders should be ashamed to claim they represent C. H. Spurgeon!

C. H. Spurgeon said:

Even if I were utterly selfish and had no care for anything but my own happiness, I would choose, if I might, under God, to be a soul-winner, for never did I know perfect, overflowing, unutterable happiness of the purest and most ennobling order till I first heard of one who had sought and found a Savior through my means. I recollect the thrill of joy which went through me! No young mother ever rejoiced so much over her first-born child—no warrior was so exultant over a hard-won victory. Oh, the joy of knowing that a sinner once at enmity has been reconciled to God, by the Holy Spirit, through the words spoken by our feeble lips!

Since then, by Divine Grace given to me, the thought of which prostrates me in self-abasement, I have seen and heard of, not hundreds only, but even thousands of sinners turned from the error of their ways by the testimony of God in me.

Let afflictions come! Let trials be multiplied as God wills, still this joy preponderates above all others — the joy that we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ in every place — and that as often as we preach the Word, hearts are unlocked, bosoms heave with a new life, eyes weep for sin and their tears are wiped away as they see the great Substitute for sin and live!

Beyond all controversy, it is a joy worth worlds to win souls and, thank God, it is a joy that does not cease with this mortal life. It must be no small bliss to hear, as one wings his flight up to the Eternal Throne, the wings of others fluttering at one’s side towards the same Glory and turning round and questioning them, to hear them say, “We are entering with you through the gates of pearl—you brought us to the Savior.” To be welcomed to the skies by those who call us father, in God—father in better bonds than those of earth—father through Grace and sire for immortality—it will be bliss beyond compare, to meet in yon eternal seats with those begotten of us in Christ Jesus, for whom we travailed in birth, till Christ was formed in them the hope of Glory!

This is to have many heavens—a Heaven in everyone won for Christ, according to the Master’s promise, “they that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars forever and ever.”

I have said enough, Brethren, I trust, to make some of you desire to occupy the position of soul-winners.

Now, before I further address myself to my text, I should like to remind you that the honor does not belong to ministers only. They may take their full share of it, but it belongs to every one of you who have devoted yourselves to Christ! Such honor have all the saints! Every man here, every woman here, every child here whose heart is right with God, may be a soul-winner! -- Metropoolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, "Soul Winning," Volume 15, #850.

Also, see "The Soul Winner," MTP, Volume 22, #1292.


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