Friday, March 03, 2006

Introducing: The Calvinist Flyswatter

The Calvinist Flyswatter is now online! The Flyswatter will swat the theological errors of all those pesky Calvinist flies that are swarming the blogosphere.


At Monday, March 20, 2006 8:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Charles:

The thought occurred to me that you might interested in promoting The Calvinist Flyswatter by publishing these blogs in some form and making them available in connection with the Pastors Conference at the Southern Baptist Convention at Greensboro, NC on June 11-12, 2006.

I am a personal acquaintence of Dr. Paige Patterson of Southwestern Theological Seminary, who has more than once bought our Exhibit Booth at the Christian Booksellers Convention. He also had me to come to Criswell College and present a program on Spurgeon several years ago.

I know Dr. Patterson is a great lover of Spurgeon, and like CHS he is opposed to Hybrid Calvinism. I'm sure he would be among those who would welcome these materials which feature such items as Dr. B. H. Carroll's IMPECCABLE SYLLOGISM on the New Birth, and Dr. Dagg on the Word in regeneration.

We could print Dr. Carroll's Syllogism as a separate "flyer," and see if we could snare any naive hybrids who would venture to debate the Syllogism -- especially since James will probably never want to challenge it in debate on one of his cruises, and I have no knowledge of any other Hybrid who engages in public debating.

Seeing how I am in the shadow of Joel Osteen's prosperity, you must know that I am just loaded with loot, and if you have any yourself, perhaps we could pool some resources and publish. I know "all the ropes" about getting the printing done, if you need any assistance with that. -- Bob L. Ross

At Monday, March 20, 2006 10:07:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Charles, I want all readers to know who "started it all" with me, so far what I have posted on your blogsite.

As for James White, he "railed" (to use his word) on me when I stood up for Eternal Sonship and wrote about the abherrant "incarnationial sonship" view of John MacArthur. J-Mac later recanted, but James did not apologize. He's never wrong, you know?

Then James railed against the view which I hold on the new birth, alleging that it is "Arminian" if you do not believe that the new birth "precedes" the Spirit-produced faith which comes by the Word as the instrument and the Spirit as the efficient power.

As for the Founders, they published a crack by one of their bloggers, calling me a "goofball." After I complained, they at least had the ethics to take it down. But it should have never been posted, should it? Don't they "review" before they post, like you do?

Then there's Brother Scott. He called me up, and had the audacity to ask me "if" I was "Charles"! He knows me personally, and for him to cotton to the idea that I was you just "blew my mind," for I had never even heard of you till someone sent me an email about the Founders' blog and their poster's calling me a "goofball."

And as for the Marvellous Monk, he viciously attacked what I believe about public church invitations, and wrote articles claiming they had "corrupted evangelical Christianity." When I rebutted him, he cut a "shine" and had a "hissy" and published a lot of garbage against me.

So these fellows -- if they dislike my current blogs on your website -- perhaps should have followed that old addage, "Let sleeping dogs lie."

-- Bob L. Ross

At Tuesday, March 21, 2006 10:39:00 PM, Blogger Charles said...

Bob Ross said, "Charles, I want all readers to know who "started it all" with me, so far what I have posted on your blogsite."

Bob when The Great Apostle James White said on The Flounders blog that he wanted to debate Caner, I "reminded" everyone that The Great Apostle ran from you like a scalded dog. I guess that led to the "goofball" statement by one of The Great Apostle's wannabes.

What a strange turn of events. You might even say that the wannabe "thought evil against [you]; but God meant it unto good. (Gen 50:20).


At Tuesday, March 21, 2006 10:52:00 PM, Blogger Charles said...

Bob Ross said, "The thought occurred to me that you might interested in promoting The Calvinist Flyswatter by publishing these blogs in some form"

I wish you would take your articles on regeneration and the invitation system and put them in book form. You could title it, The Founders Floundered or Why The Founders Do not Represent the Founders of the SBC.

As for publishing blogs from The Calvinist Flyswatter, I'm not sure what to say, except I'm honored you would want to consider such a thing. I'll mull it over and get back with you.



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